
I am an experienced Social Worker, Trainer and qualified Psychotherapist, with a background in training on issues around mental health, children and the particular challenges of adoption.

These are some examples of the ways I can provide support to you, your child or your school:

  • Training to schools on the impact of early trauma and loss on children and how to provide support to meet adopted children’s emotional, social and educational needs.
  • The design of bespoke therapeutic interventions and strategies for education staff to support adopted children in the school setting.
  • Therapeutic parenting support for adopters to help them understand and manage their children’s behaviour.
  • Delivery of a range of adoption specific courses including therapeutic parenting, contact and life story work, Domestic Abuse and the impact on children and self-care for adopters
  • Psychotherapy and counselling service for adopters.
  • I am an ASF Approved Provider and am experienced in working with families with birth children, SGOs and adopted children.

I am based in Sale, South Manchester, but work both nationally and internationally as required.


For more information, advice, support, or to discuss any ways I can help, contact me on:

Mobile: 07816 273 394

Email: lisa@lisawisher.com

You can also follow me on twitter: